Interests & Hobbies
Day-to-day, I enjoy are swimming, playing pickleball, video/TV streaming services, and traveling. But in addition, here’s some other interests and activities I participate in outside the office.
LEGO Sets and MOCs
- Judge at Technovation Challenge in 2018, 2019, and 2021
- Panelist at a Tech Talk at several of the University of Minnesota’s Coding Bootcamps
- Volunteer at RailsConf 2019
- Volunteer at various nonprofit organizations, such as Arc Value Village, Perspectives, and Feed My Starving Children in the Twin Cities
In College
- UMM Open Hatch event leader
- Calculus 1 Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) tutor at UMM
- Student Campus Ambassador at UMM
- Orientation Group Leader at UMM in 2016
- Participant in the UMM Honors Program
- UMM Concert Choir Dress Manager
- UMM Dance Ensemble Treasurer
- Dance teacher to children at a local dance studio
- Participant in the NATS Competition 2014
- Participant in a Senior Recital in April 2017 (recordings and program)
I love traveling. In general, this could be taking any time off to get out in nature, see new sights, or visiting someplace new. And whenever I travel to a new place (especially if it’s for a big international or non-continental vacation), I try to collect at least one magnet of the city and/or country/state I went to. Here’s my collection so far!

The Great Wall of China, China



Barcelona, Spain

Puerto Rico

Alaska, United States

Prague, Czech Republic

Vienna, Austria

Melk, Austria

Frankfurt, Germany

Munich, Germany

Dresden, Germany

Berlin, Germany

Nuremberg, Germany

The Black Forest, Germany

Rothenberg, Germany

London, England

Stonehenge, England

Montreal, Canada

Quebec, Canada




Machu Picchu, Peru



Costa Rica


Galápagos Islands, Ecuador